Today was a really long day. But the evening proved to be more of a drainer than anything. I attended a scholarship banquet the local AA Chamber hosted and afterwards, a friend gave me a ride to my car. Well, it was late, more like near 11:30pm already because we sat outside at the Cultural Arts Fest chatting about life, family and relationships.
Well when she drove around to my car we both witnessed what looked like at first, a couple making out. The man had his back to us and all we saw were hands locked around his neck and whomever he was hugging seemed to enjoy the affection. The hands and arms looked pretty small but since it was dark, we initially assumed perhaps it was a baby. The man started rocking from side to side while holding on to her. She appeared to be sitting in his lap, legs straddled, but later I found out she was standing in front of him. Her hands would drop down and he kissed her, seemingly in a passionate way. My friend and I both sat in the car because in that instant we both got a queasy feeling like the guy wasn't with a woman and it wasn't a baby (infant) either. I told my friend, "Boy, I hope that's a really petite woman he's all hugged up with."
Well, sadly enough, it wasn't. He stood up and in front of him as what looked like a cute little 8 yr-old with a pretty pink and white dress on standing there embracing him. My friend and I both had a look of dread on our faces. I said, "That's inappropriate. My dad never held me like that. OK, that was nasty!" The man didn't flinch nor move in a way that would reveal to us he thought he was "caught" by our curious eyes. He just grabbed the girl by her hand, with her in complete submission and took off walking across the street further away from the venue they were attending which was a wedding reception.
I told my friend that as soon as I got into my car I was going to head across the street to see where he was going with her. I waited about 2 minutes after she drove off and then proceeded across the street to the Marriot Courtyard's parking lot. I drove all the way to the back and thought they perhaps went into the hotel because I didn't see them at first. Just when I made the last curve, to my wonderment, there they were both far off in the back of the lot, back in the same close cuddling position. Now you tell me, why would a father carry his daughter off around midnight to go and "cuddle"? Ugh!
I drove by trying to figure out if I was going to call the police or just head back to the parking lot where I saw a car that a lady and a small child were getting into before I headed on the scout. Well, I drove back to the original parking area and asked the lady if she knew the guy and the little girl. She said that he was her brother-in-law and the little girl his daugther. I immediately told her that what my friend and I saw was inappropriate and that I have a Daddy and she probably has one too, and that's not how Daddys are supposed to be with their daughters. She started sighing and pacing back and forth as if what I was telling her was nothing unusual. I started to get a little nervous and then suspicious.
She decided to follow me in her car and we cased the lot and when I pulled around to where the guy and his daughter were, the little girl jumped up and then he got up, staggering like he was drunk, clinging tight to her hand. I drove my car past the guy and it was then I noticed he only had on a tuxedo vest, with no shirt on and he was trying to put the vest back on as I drove by. OK, by now I'm getting pretty sick in the pit of my stomach. The lady pulled up to both of them, but I was too far ahead to hear the conversation. It was quiet. He didn't speak loud and neither did the girl. They chatted for about a minute or two.
I motioned for her to pull up next to me and the lady did. She started in with some song and dance about how there was a commotion at the reception (sounded like she was making an excuse for him) and bla bla bla. I'm thinking to myself, what does that have to do with this drunk guy in the parking lot a half a mile away from the reception near midnight with his daughter have to do with some "commotion"? I just said, "Did you see him pulling his vest back over his shoulders?" She just looked at me shrugging her shoulders. I then told her, "Well, I'm just telling you what I saw. You have seen for yourself. Now you know." I then just drove off. I saw him with his daughter, still hand in hand walking across the street back to the reception hall as if nothing was going on and I wanted to throw up. How could this have gotten this far without no one's observation? Or was the lady revealing to me that what I saw was what they already have been knowing and they don't know what to do?
This reminded me of when I saw Woman Thou Art Loosed when the daughter tried to tell the mother about the problem and she was simply ignored or told she was lying. At this point, I don't think this little girl thinks she's done anything inappropriate with her father. My question is, are women still lying to themselves when they see petiphile men/husbands/fathers taking advantage of unsuspecting innocent children by not confronting these sickos? Lord, Lord, Lord! Please pray that what I saw was just my imagination, and if it wasn't that justice be served swiftly. The saddest part about what I saw was how comfortable the little girl seemed with this man, as if it was an everyday occurance. He was just as comfortable. The video below is from a Slam Poet friend of mines sharing a true story in his presentation about the matter. It's kind of deep, but I had to share. It's called Daddy's Little Girl.
This heart wrenching poem is shared by Ft.Worth Slam Poet and host, Michael Guinn at Beatnix Coffeehouse, Waco, Texas. http://mikeguinn.com/ http://www.beatnixcoffee.com ****I spoke to my girlfriend who was with me that night and she said she was going to call a friend of hers who works for the sex crimes unit here in Waco to see what can be done. The good thing about following up with this is that there was only two Wedding receptions going on Saturday night. If we are able to contact the Visitor's Bureau who books the rooms at the Convention Center, the crime unit can start there with contacting the folks in the planning of the reception. It appeared that the guy and his daughter were in the wedding, since I saw groomsmen earlier that night with the same burgandy vests on, with tux shirts underneath of course!!! Thanks for everyone's prayers in this situation.**** |
Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Being a witness to something so grotesque as this and paralyzed by what to do about it. In both of your stories, just awful. Awful awful awful. In your story Maryee, we can only pray that somebody does do something to stop daddy's little secret before there is irrevokable damage.
Oh my goodness...that is so horrible...
Oh Maryee, my heart screams out Lord help this child!!!! I will be praying that if this father is molesting his daughter that he be exposed and justice will prevail. I will also pray for protection of this little girl. It is so sad how much children get hurt in these types of situations, the parents are supposed to be protectors not predators, oh my heart really grieves for the children that are suffering in silence. Thank you for taking the time to do all that you did in that situation, that was very brave.
Tanya, Michelle, and Abena,
Thanks for your comments and prayers. I had to be on stage hosting poetry from 1-4pm today a mere 500 yds away from the "scene". It was difficult not thinking about that poor baby and wondering if everything is alright with her. When you think about this little girl and many other children like her, please lift up a prayer. Thanks so much!!
Damn. That is f-ed up. Would calling the police have been an option?? What does one do in situations like these? I mean, she's just a little girl!!!
It's beacause of crap like this that God probably hasn't blessed me with children yet. If something like this went down with my kids, I'd be serving life without the possibility parole.
Girl, I feel the same way. I would have caught a major case!! It was such an ackward moment last night and I know I went way overboard by investigating the matter in the manner in which I did. Most folks would have said, "It's none of my business", but I couldn't.
The only thing I felt half way at peace about was leaving the "facts" with the sister-n-law. If she wants to cover for him, then she can carry that guilt the rest of her life or until he gets a hold of her daughter, who was by the looks of it was only 3 or 4. It's sad.
OMG!!!! Sad...and even more sad, because, she is one of many. It's times like this I get angry at our so called Children Protection Services, that harrass parents that put a whippin on those butts for decipline, but cant protect little girls like her. So very very sad! I pray that women gets the strength to do something to help her niece.
My stomach is turning. I will pray for this child.
Thanks for your prayers, TRA.
Thanks Detra for your prayers as well. It's a sad reality. I pray the aunt does the right thing as well. Take care!
Big ups to you for taking action. At least you can sleep at night knowing you tried.
Thanks Valenciajaz,
I need to check back with my friend to see what she came up with. If I hear anything else, I'll update my blog. Blessings!
Hi! My Prayers go out to all! I pray that justice will prevail. Have you gotten any new information? My heart is crushed.
I must admit, I don't know what came of this situation we witnessed that night almost 13 yrs ago. That poor baby is probably 20 or 21 yrs old now.I pray her life has not been ruined by her father. 😥
In case you can't see the video from the blog post. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=CPQc9U3_RQs
Wow....wow.....wow.... speechless....
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