Welcome! I'm a writer from Texas. I was locked by Imani Nash-Bey of Pomona, Ca 11-28-03. I had my Sisterlocks for about 8 years and cut them off in 2011. Currently in the process of growing my hair back and getting re-locked SOON! I'm an avid blogger and decided to share my locked growth process with easier access to the masses. If you enjoy reading 1st person narratives and looking at photos and some videos, then you'll enjoy my blog. *Please do not copy my pictures without my permission.*
As usual your pics and collages look great! I swear you have the touch (-:
By the way your locs are looking fantastic and you honestly seem to be taking great care of them on your own.
Everyone looks great! Looks like a fab time.
Everyone looks fab-u-lous and I still have not had tiome to post yet. I just love our gatherings!!
Tra, Vee, LaChanda and Zella,
Thanks ladies.
Tra, I'll be uploading the pictures we took. They were on Jen's laptop. I got em' now. They came out nice!
The gathering was quite fun. It was worth travelling in high water to get there!!
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